"We love engineers! Our guarantees are the most generous in Canadian e-learning history. Please see them below. Our common goal is to ensure you quickly and safely complete each licensing step. If you can't achieve that, we didn't do our job and shouldn't benefit financially."
-Gavin Simone, P.Eng.(AB), LEED AP
Guarantee Details
Guaranteed pass or a full refund + an additional $100.
If you order any of our paid NPPE course options and don't pass on the next attempt, we'll give you these great guarantee options (your choice!):
- 100% full refund + an additional $100; or
- Extended access to our course & support until you pass + study suggestions based on your mastery report + $30 gift card to ease your frustration of almost passing; or
- (for the 200 questions level users) - upgrade to all 500 practice questions + study suggestions based on your mastery report + extended access to our course & support until you pass.
Simply fill out the form below and include a photo/scan of your mastery report with your name and file number. We'll take the necessary action within 1 business day.
Experience Acceptance Guarantee
We are confident in the quality of our service. If your association does not accept your Competency-Based Assessment (CBA), we offer a comprehensive support process:
- Initial Review Service: If your CBA is not initially accepted, you can order a P.Eng. review for just the rejected competencies. A licensed Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) will thoroughly examine your rejected competencies and add comments to help you score higher.
- Complimentary Follow-Up: If you ordered the P.Eng. review and some competencies were rejected, we provide a free review of your updated competencies to enhance your chances of success.
- Full Refund Plus Bonus: In the unlikely event that your association still does not accept your CBA after these steps, we offer a full refund of our service fees plus an additional $100 as a gesture of our commitment to your satisfaction.
Pass your technical exam, or you'll receive a full refund + an additional $100.
If you order any of our solutions sets for a technical exam topic and don't get 50% or higher on the next attempt, we'll give you these great guarantee options (your choice!):
- 100% full refund + an additional $100; or
- An equivalent number of solutions to a different exam topic.
Simply fill out the form below and include a photo/scan of your exam results or email from your association. We'll take the necessary action within 1 business day.
Were you not successful on a licensing step? Then fill out a...