Engineering Newsletter – February 2024

Here is your monthly dose of my Canadian engineering news created for licensed and aspiring engineers, geoscientists and technicians in Canada.

Thanks for reading, and have a great month!

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Gavin Simone, P.Eng. (AB), LEED AP

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28 thoughts on “Engineering Newsletter – February 2024”

  1. Thank you for reading this month. This month, my questions are:
    Q1. What advice would you give aspiring engineers just starting their careers? OR 
    Q2. Besides AI, can you share a recent engineering trend or development that you find particularly exciting or promising?

    1. Q1: Whatever you are doing, start from the scratch while you have the time to learn and room for error is little more forgiving. A side apprenticeship in electrical, plumbing, any skilled trade will help understand the boots on the ground culture, trade jargons, etc.,
      When you’re young the job chooses you, you don’t choose the job. 🙂

    2. Look for leaders and people who are great at their jobs. Watch what they do and how they work. Ask them questions and look for ways to help them. Not everybody will be as receptive but finding a good mentor early in your career is priceless.

      Also, try to work on communication skills. Writing concise emails, well written reports, and giving brief but impactful verbal updates to your colleagues and clients will set you apart from most junior engineers.

    3. Q1. What advice would you give aspiring engineers just starting their careers?
      – Always seek your goals. Knowledge is power

      Q2. Besides AI, can you share a recent engineering trend or development that you find particularly exciting or promising?
      – Wondering if AI can take over, into one world country in the future.

    4. Q2: Besides AI, can you share a recent engineering trend or development that you find particularly exciting or promising?

      Continued development of data tracking and management devices, more data = better understanding = more informed science based decision making.

    5. Q1. What advice would you give aspiring engineers just starting their careers?
      A1. Focus on building skills and broadening your horizon. Success will surely follow.

      Q2. Besides AI, can you share a recent engineering trend or development that you find particularly exciting or promising?
      A2. LEO satellite communications, CleanTech, AgTech

  2. Q1. What advice would you give aspiring engineers just starting their careers?

    In addition to all other obvious skills (hands-on experience, communication skills, networking) life-work balance is crucial for your mental health and success

    1. Becoming an Engineer is indeed long and overwhelming journey. it would sure to make oneself nervous yet excited. Most important advice to be ethical and honest not only towards profession but to self. Challenges are always inevitable in engineer’s career but being true and honest to self make it easy to withstand.

  3. Chase your dreams. Its way easier when you are young and your responsibilities are few. I always wished to move out west to BC but never took the chance.

  4. See all problems as opportunities to learn and advance. You get noticed most on how you tackle problems and take initiative with a positive attitude. Ask questions and be engaged in discussions.

  5. Humayun Khalid Kathuria

    Q1. What advice would you give aspiring engineers just starting their careers?

    Don’t compromise on the quality of your work.

  6. Q1. What advice would you give aspiring engineers just starting their careers?

    Advice : Early stage of your career gives you an amazing opportunity to ask questions, because lets be honest, nobody expects you to know everything. And this creates a safe environment to ask questions and learn as much as possible. And this advice actually can be useful at any stage of your career, asking questions is always encouraged and helps you learn stuff and also develop a good working relationship with your mentor or seniors in the industry. Good luck ! Ask questions !!

  7. For new engineers, learn everything you can from other professionals. Even if it’s outside your area of expertise, you never know when that information could be useful.

  8. Q1: Don’t be afraid of trying something new.

    Q2: I’m happy that environmental impact / energy optimization is being brought into many areas of engineering.

  9. Be patient and look for good mentors. Engineering can be complex, but with the right people leading you, your time to shine will come!

  10. Q1. What advice would you give aspiring engineers just starting their careers?
    My advise is build you personality in a way to keep everyone trusts you opinion and experience and always read about the new technologies because there is no end of the technology.

  11. The advancement of renewable energy technology, especially in the field of solar power, is a contemporary innovation that greatly excites me. Perovskite Solar Cells, in particular, have shown remarkable promise compared to conventional silicon-based solar cells. They boast the potential for higher efficiency levels and are more cost-effective to produce. As researchers strive to enhance their stability and longevity, Perovskite solar cells are steadily approaching commercial viability.

  12. What advice would you give aspiring engineers just starting their careers?

    – Pay close attention to the industry you’re interested in and follow the relevant trends, even if you’re not currently working in that field. This can be very important if a job opportunity comes up in that industry. knowledge is paramount when experience isn’t at play. know the terms, trends and practices in those fields while staying relevant and competent in your own

  13. Q1. What advice would you give aspiring engineers just starting their careers?
    Be a good student, work hard but don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the journey!

  14. Shyam Bharadwaj Balasubramanian

    What advice would you give aspiring engineers just starting their careers?
    Starting a career as an engineer can be both exciting and challenging. Some important tips are-
    Pursue your passion, Continuously learn and practice, Update knowledge with latest technology, Develop teamwork skills, Develop skills to handle pace and pressure, Stay Open-Minded, Network, Develop Soft Skills & Give importance to work life balance.

    Besides AI, can you share a recent engineering trend or development that you find particularly exciting or promising?
    Quantum computing

  15. Q1. My advice would be, “A degree or stamp does not mean you now know everything. It is okay to feel like you do not know something, but don’t get lost in that feeling. Take confident steps forward knowing you have trained to figure out the right resource(s) to solve the problem”

  16. Q1. What advice would you give aspiring engineers just starting their careers?

    Embrace Failure as Learning and Continuously Learn and Practice.

  17. Q1. What advice would you give aspiring engineers just starting their careers?
    Engineering is a team sport. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Figure out what you are strong at and, most importantly, what you are not so strong at. Do the same with your team (without being a snot). Then work to everyone’s strengths.
    The critical thing to know is that everyone makes mistakes – however the sooner the mistake is raised then the team can work together to fix it. NEVER sweep a mistake under the carpet – it will only pop up later and be far harder to solve.

  18. Q1. What advice would you give aspiring engineers just starting their careers?
    – Never stop learning and Find a Mentor are the most important aspects.

    Q2. Besides AI, can you share a recent engineering trend or development that you find particularly exciting or promising?
    – I can see that autonomous vehicles have big potential to revolutionize future transportation methods.

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