Engineering Newsletter – November 2023

Here is your monthly dose of my Canadian engineering news created for licensed and aspiring engineers, geoscientists and technicians in Canada.

Thanks for reading, and have a great month!

Gavin Simone, P.Eng. (AB), LEED AP

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26 thoughts on “Engineering Newsletter – November 2023”

  1. Thank yo for reading. This month, I’m asking you:
    Q1. What engineering modifications do you make for daylight saving time? 
    Q2. What is your company using AI for (or what would you like them to see them use AI for)?

    1. A1. I ensure that clocks or scheduling software, are updated to reflect the correct time during daylight saving time. This involves adjusting the clocks manually or configuring them to automatically adjust based on the designated start and end dates of daylight saving time. One of the main issues is setting scheduling software correctly to reflect the time changes to avoid any issues with my scheduled meetings with teams in Asia and Europe.

      A2. I would like my company to use AI (especially LLMs) in daily development activities.

    2. A1 : I have adjusted the clock in my car, stove.
      A2 : Would like to see company using AI for couple things such as improving email writing, learn responses, automatically finding available slots for teams meeting, learn himself from user-searches, team responses and outlook emails.

      1. Hi Harsh,
        Thank you for the comment and insight. Yes, the AI email writing is low hanging fruit. We use Grammarly for that and its great from helping us to change the tone of our message (e.g. making it more friendly; making it more engaging).

  2. Q2. What is your company using AI for (or what would you like them to see them use AI for)?

    I’d like to see AI being used for mix and structural design of highway pavement

  3. Q1. What engineering modifications do you make for daylight saving time?

    I adjust my sleep cycle 20 minutes per day 3 days in advance of DST changeover so that the change is done in increments rather than the full 60 minutes.

  4. Q1. What engineering modifications do you make for daylight saving time?
    Since the days have been getting shorter I’ve recently been much more conscious of circadian rhythm and what Iight I’m being exposed to before sunrise and after sunset. Also experimenting with ice bath cold exposure

    1. Hi Jerrett, thank you for the comment. I’m doing the Wim Hof Method of cold exposure for the last 6 months (i.e. 11 minutes/week of cold showers). So far, I can say it is very beneficial! Keep it up.

  5. Q1. What engineering modifications do you make for daylight saving time? “I try to sleep earlier and wake up early to adapt with the time saving mode”
    Q2. What is your company using AI for? “Our company utilizes AI for various purposes, including data analysis, automation, and improving customer experiences”

  6. Q1. What engineering modifications do you make for daylight saving time?
    I would like my dial wall clock to to be able to adjust automatically during daylight saving. I always adjust all my
    seven wall clocks.

    Q2. What is your company using AI for (or what would you like them to see them use AI for)?
    I would like AI to design structurally by just giving a building dimensions.

  7. Q1. What engineering modifications do you make for daylight saving time?

    for fall back – embrace the extra hour of sleep!

  8. Shyam Bharadwaj Balasubramanian

    Q1. What engineering modifications do you make for daylight saving time?
    Not exactly an Engg mod, but I would change the time on all the non smart devices.
    Q2. What is your company using AI for (or what would you like them to see them use AI for)?
    My company doesn’t use AI, but I would like them to use AI, for manufacturing process- start from a billet to the finished component.

  9. What engineering modifications do you make for daylight saving time? 
    reset BMS , DDC systems & verify if correct time and schedule are on the control panels.

    Q2. What is your company using AI for (or what would you like them to see them use AI for)?
    AI is primarily used for data collection, GPS tracking and accident prevention on military trainings.

  10. Q1. What engineering modifications do you make for daylight saving time?
    It sounds silly but I try to mentally prepare during the month of the change. I make verbal comments (out loud but to myself) about how dark the mornings or evenings are and how I wish it could be brighter or darker. Knowing that all of my tech switches over automatically it becomes a pleasant surprise when I wake up and everything is the way I wanted it.

  11. Q2. What is your company using AI for (or what would you like them to see them use AI for)?

    We use AI to simulate plastic mold flows

    1. Thanks for the comment, Gabriel. It’s really cool to hear that your company is using AI to simulate plastic mold flows. I think it’s amazing how AI has the potential to revolutionize industries and improve efficiency and accuracy in so many ways. I hope your company is finding great success with this use of AI by improving their part design and helping with difficult to fill spots.

  12. Humayun Khalid Kathuria

    Q2. What is your company using AI for (or what would you like them to see them use AI for)?

    Ans. Our company has started using AI for Single Point of Contact (SPOC) bots. This bot is the best place to start to find answers for questions about software, hardware, and applications supported by SPOC. It saves our time now.

    1. Humayun, thank you for sharing your company’s experience with AI. We looked at CPOC bots a few years ago but the technology wasn’t very good at the time. Can you recommend a specific AI bot that other engineering companies might like to consider?

  13. I don’t have to make engineering modifications w.r.t. daylight saving time. My company utilize AI to automate projects tasks.

  14. Auto change the alarm clock to adjust time as per DST – Luckily though my province does not follow DST.

    Use many Apps in the Telco cloud environment which support AI esp. for Cloud orchestration.

  15. Q1: Honestly, daylight saving doesn’t really change much for us on the floor. Most of our machines are smart enough to adjust on their own, and for those that aren’t, it’s just a quick tweak in the system settings. No biggie, really.

    Q2: We’re leaning pretty heavy into AI these days. It’s helping us fine-tune our printing processes to get the most out of our materials—pretty slick stuff. Plus, it’s a game-changer for maintenance. The system predicts when our gear is gonna need a tune-up before it actually conks out. Oh, and quality checks? We’ve got AI algorithms that spot issues faster than a hawk. It’s like having an extra set of eyes on everything we do.

  16. A1: I’d like to start using a clock which can simulate sunrise and sunset times. Now that the days are shorter, I’m hoping to bring some more light into my environment when waking up early in the morning.
    A2: My company does not currently use AI, but I would love to see it used for training purposes, or implemented in project management.

  17. Q1. What engineering modifications do you make for daylight saving time?
    A1. I start to change my sleeping cycle days ahead of the time change so that when it is dark early, i can adjust to the change smoothly and less accident chances.

    Q2. What is your company using AI for (or what would you like them to see them use AI for)?
    A2. They have not started using it, but i would like them to use for Office applications for better email responses, reminders and data drilling for better reporting.

  18. Q2. My company is not using AI currently. But I would like to see they are using it for design simulation (like stress analysis), drawing prototype generation, purchase order placement, stock allocation etc.

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