
Engineering Newsletter – July 2016

Here is your monthly dose of my Canadian engineering news created for licensed and aspiring engineers, geoscientists and technicians in Canada. Stay informed and impress your colleagues with your new-found knowledge.


Thanks for reading and have a great month!
Gavin Simone, P.Eng., PMP, LEED AP

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10 thoughts on “Engineering Newsletter – July 2016”

  1. I hope everyone likes the new newsletter format and topics. Please let me know your thoughts below.

  2. Visually very comfortable. Wondering if there is anyway to show the texts/links of the collapsed item hiding the remaining items. (Now wondering if I could lay out the statement clearly)

  3. Live on Mars – I believe it will be nice to visit others planets, but why do we want to live in another one?

    1. @Aracelli – at 0:44 in the presentation the speaker talks about how a large asteroid could wipe us all out. Also, at 1:07 he discusses how exploration is in our DNA.

    1. @Tolu – thanks for letting us know about this TED talk. It is always refreshing to hear about teams that are trying to solve large problems in unique ways. This talk is perfect for those who like to invent or build stuff and don’t mind failure as a likely outcome.

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