Weekly licensing questions for Nov. 10, 2023

Here is a weekly roundup of our favourite engineering licensing questions we helped clients navigate (week ending Nov. 10, 2023):   #NPPE (topic II.4) Q. If I am a professional engineer on vacation and see some dangerous activity. Do you know if I must report? A. To give you more detail, engineers are accountable for […]

Weekly licensing questions for Nov. 10, 2023 Read More »

Engineering Newsletter – November 2023

Here is your monthly dose of my Canadian engineering news created for licensed and aspiring engineers, geoscientists and technicians in Canada. Engineers Making Headlines Expand Mary Yazdani, a computer engineer from Iran and CEO of Ottawa based RoboSafety, wants to change the culture in engineering as it relates to safety. Her team is delivering software safety

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Engineering Newsletter – October 2023

Here is your monthly dose of my Canadian engineering news created for licensed and aspiring engineers, geoscientists and technicians in Canada. Engineers Making Headlines Expand Building inspections today are marked by inefficiency and costly manual processes. ConeLabs is a team of structural and AI engineers that are solving inefficiencies in building inspections. Using bleeding-edge AI

Engineering Newsletter – October 2023 Read More »

Engineering Newsletter – September 2023

Here is your monthly dose of my Canadian engineering news created for licensed and aspiring engineers, geoscientists and technicians in Canada. Engineers Making Headlines Expand Toronto engineer Harsh Shah has introduced an app poised to revolutionize Canadian skin health diagnostics. Skin CheckUp, launched in November, employs real-time AI analysis to offer remote diagnosis for various

Engineering Newsletter – September 2023 Read More »

We expect the website to be down for up to 20 minutes around 3 a.m. EST this Sunday (July 28) while we make a few website updates. Thank you for understanding.
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